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How to start a kerosene stove

 One of my passions are antiques, specially if they have some engineering or electronics envolved.

Since I was a child, I had contact with antiques from my grandparents, and one of the things I remember is an old kerosene pressure stove. Some time ago, I decided to buy one, just for decoration, but I also love to keep things working, if possible, so, I decided to turn it on, and made a simple tutorial on how to start it.

I made a vide that is available on YouTube, please check it below:

I added some subtitles to the video so you could understand better, but I'm also going to write it here:

1 - Put some kerosene in the tank
2 - Fill the small cup below the head with alcohol (+ 90% is good)
3 - Light up the alcohol and let the head warm and start vaporizing the kerosene
4 - Once you feel the pressure increase, give some pumping to help it increase even more
5 - The kerosene vapor will light by itself with a beautiful blue flame (if you need more pressure, pump it more, for less, release the pressure screw (it is like a throttle))
6 - Use the stove (cook something)
7 - To turn it off, just release the pressures screw

If possible, do this outside your home, in an open space.

That's it! Hope you enjoy!


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