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Showing posts with the label tube amp

Homemade Battery Powered Tube Amp

 After my first tube amp , I decided to try a battery powered one. There is not a lot of information about guitar tube battery powered amps on internet, but I found some resources. My search began on YouTube and I found a video of a guy that wrote the schematic link in his video description here . I just followed it, mounted the components of the amp (all point-to-point wired) inside a large tin can and used my small 6 inch speaker connected to it. The amp is powered by 10 x 9v batteries ( for tube plates ), one 1.5v battery ( for tube filaments ) and 3 x 1.5v batteries in series, providing 4.5v of negative bias. The tubes used, are one 1Q5GT and two 1T4, early used in battery powered radio receivers. It has just two controls - volume and tone. Here is the schematic: Here is the power supply schematic: And here, the built amp: Check out my videos on YouTube of this amp playing a song from my computer and also a song from my guitar: Hope you enjoy and if you plan to make an amp like t

My First Guitar Tube Amp - Fender 5f1

Since I was a child, I love vacuum tube/valve stuff, like old radios and guitar amplifiers, so I decided to build my own guitar amp. I have made a Fender 5f1 model, all from scratch. I made it as a "head" because I want to try different speakers along the time, and the speaker I have at the build time is not a very good one but it does the job. Before I started the build, I read a lot of things about vacuum tubes so I can be more comfortable with the build. As you also may know, tube circuits use generally high voltages (around 650v in this case) so it may be dangerous if you don't know well what you are doing. There is a lot of information on the internet about this specific tube amp model. If you plan to build something like this, I recommend you visit this page  and watch a lot of videos on YouTube about tube amp build and repair (I recommend 2 channels: Uncle Doug and D-lab Electronics). Below are the layout and schematic I used for the build. They are the original Fe