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Showing posts from April, 2022

Homemade vacuum forming (from fail to success)

This is my homemade vacuum form device first try. I want to make a metal detector coil housing but I failed at the first time. May be due to using a too thick plastic (2mm polystyrene) or not enough temperature. The vacuum is obtained from a small vacuum cleaner (1400W) Here are some pictures of the device and a video. Next time I will try with a thinner plastic or other type (ABS). Part 2 - After some fails, the success! Well, today I will talk about the second try. I'm using the same type of plastic - polystyrene, 2mm but now I have a thermometer so I can measure it's temperature. I also added some screws to the frame, so I can prevent the plastic sheet from moving with the heat (because of expansion / contraction) and finally I got a good result as you can see below: I kept the plastic in the oven until it reached about 150 degrees celsius at the center of the sheet. Almost perfect. Not 100% because it seems I moved slightly the form out of place and it is not centered. Here